3 month old daily schedule
3 month old daily schedule

3 month old daily schedule

I have always loved kids, playing, the excitement of teaching them, and going on adventures! Fast forward to about day 1 with reagan. I had experience (almost 4 years!) of nannying, and I started babysitting at age twelve. I would just like to say that before Reagan entered this world, I thought that I was completely equipped to be a mother. I came across many schedules that just looked absolutely NOTHING like my little one's (complete lack of) schedule.

3 month old daily schedule

haha but I am proud to say that there are many more smooth days than tough ones as of late.Īfter many days of Reagan crying and crying and NOT napping around the 2.5/3 month mark, I searched the internet for a solution.

3 month old daily schedule

Some days, it actually works! And some days end with both of us in tears. I always thought my child would sleep when she was tired, but no such luck! I have put up my dukes and show up every day armed with a few tools and a plan for the day to get her to nap successfully. She sleeps consistently through the night, but wants to stay up aaalll day without a wink of sleep. how do I put this delicately? A HORRIBLE NAPPER. My sweet little baby turned 4 months old this weekend. YAY! In celebration, I wanted to post about her daily schedule, in hopes of helping someone navigate life with their 3-4 month old!

3 month old daily schedule